Tuesday, 3 April 2018

Gym: April 2018

I am very surprised at how much stronger I feel since joining the gym last month. I am very proud and shocked at myself for really enjoying going to the gym as well as actually joining a class on my own. I have never quite been a fan of the gym as I always feel there is a cheaper option of running in parks however since going to the gym and overcoming gym anxiety - which, I have learnt is really is all in your head and people really don't care what you do and everyone is just focused on their own exercise! And if they do look at you, it's probably the same reason as you look at others - just to see what new exercises you can do! I really do enjoy going to the gym and feeling stronger both mentally and physically. Just monitoring my own progress feels great!

April 2018

03.04.18 (Pure Gym, Canary Wharf)
Pure Tone (45mins) 
Warm up
Squats, pulsating squats, squat hold (5KGs), jumping jacks
Lunges, lunge hold right, lunge hold left (2.5KGs)
Arms right angle down, arms right angle towards each other, shoulder press, push ups
Arms biceps curl alternate arms, both arms biceps curl rotation, arm pull backs with elbow straight, mountain climbers 
Arm over head extensions, burpees 

05.04.18 (Pure Gym, Canary Wharf)
Overhead press (15kg) 5/5/5/5/5
Squats (15kg) 5/5/5/5/5
Dips (14kg) 10
Pull ups (23kg) 10
Converging shoulder press (9kg) 5/5/5/5/5
Calf press (66kg) 5/5/5/5/5
Run 0 incline with various speeds for 45 mins 
Total including cool down 50mins for 4.12miles

09.04.18 (Pure Gym, Canary Wharf)
Overhead press (15kg) 5/5/5/5/5
Squats (15kg) 5/5/5/5/5
Dips (14kg) 10
Pull ups (23kg) 10
Dips (9Kg) 5
Pull ups (18kg) 5
Converging shoulder press (9kg) 5/5/5/5/5
Run: Fitness Test: Army: 10 Speed: Score 33. 19:28Mins - 2Miles

11.04.18 (Pure Gym, Canary Wharf)
5K Run: Level 3: Varying speeds (Couldn't maintain at 10.1 speed) 
With cool down: 3.4Miles 38:13Mins
Dips (9Kg) 10
Pull ups (18kg) 8
Squats (17.5kg) 5/5/5/5/5
Calf press (66kg) 5
Calf press (93kg) 5/5/5/5/5
Calf press (134kg) 3
Overhead press (15kg) 5/5/5/3/3

16.04.18 (Pure Gym, Canary Wharf)
Overhead press (15kg) 5/5/5/5/5
Squats (15kg) 5/5/5/5/5
Pull ups (18kg) 10
Dips (9kg) 9
Calf press (73kg) 20/20/20
Leg press (25kg) 5/10/10
Run: 45 mins 0.5 Incline slowly speed increase 7.5speed start 
With cool down: 4.36Miles 50mins

19.04.18 (Pure Gym, Canary Wharf)
Overhead press (15kg) 5/5/5/5/5
Squats (15kg) 5/5/5/5/5
Pull ups (18kg) 10
Dips (9kg) 10
Run: Fitness Test: Army: 10 Speed: Score 37. 19:06Mins - 2Miles

23.04.18 (Pure Gym, Canary Wharf)
Overhead press (15kg) 5/5/5/5/5
Squats (15kg) 5/5/5/5/5
Converging shoulder press (9kg) 5/5/5/5/5
Run: 1 incline, start 8 speed 50 min run non-stop 
Total: 4.84miles 55mins

27.04.18 (Pure Gym, Canary Wharf)
Squats Rack (just bar - 20kg) 5/5/5/5/5
Overhead press (15kg) 5/5/5/5/5
Run: Fitness Test: Army: 10.4 Speed: Score 38. 18:59Mins - 2Miles