Day 1
Monday 19th October 2009
I arrived at the BBC at around 10:05am so I decided to walk to Westfield’s to get a bottle of water. I was feeling quite excited and slightly anxious about it all. I got into the main entrance of the BBC at about 10:20 and I waited. I saw some TV faces and the current blue peter presenters. Kate and Leo (who was a woman to my surprise) came down to collect us. Everyone was here on time and off we went into the building past security, it was an amazing feeling. We were in the BBC! We made our way to the ID section of the building and got our photos taken for a temporary pass. Afterwards we walked into the Blue Peter building! It was exciting, I was there! We sat down and I couldn’t believe it, Kate and Leo explained that we were chosen from a batch of 20 who had been interviewed so I felt really honoured to be there. Not long after, we were briefed and explained a general outline of the plan. It sounded quite fun. I saw Barney (the blue peter dog) and played with him for a little while, he was so cool! I was introduced to some of the BBC workers and I started talking to one in particular. He was cool, he did filming and said the job was fun and it was great. We then started to do the Health and Safety on the computer. This took forever as the computers weren’t working! So we went to lunch at about 12.30pm. We all decided to go together and eat together. I had to make conversation and just social up something I haven’t needed to do in a long while. They were really friendly and nice too so it wasn’t too bad. We got back and we continued with the Health and safety, I didn’t realise it would take so long… I started to feel tired. I spent the rest of the day doing this and the data protection video which was also boring. There were some interesting clips and talks but overall it wasn’t the most exciting thing! I was exhausted after. We left together at 6 and went home together on the Central line; we chatted away and then departed our separate ways. We decided that tomorrow we would meet at 9.45am at the main part of the building so we could go up together! It has been a long day.
Day 2
Tuesday 20th October 2009
I arrived at 9.45am again today and met up with the rest in the main lobby. Once we were all there we went up together to the building. My flu was still rather bad, stuffy nose, chesty cough and sandy voice. I felt ok. We did learnt how to open the competition post and enter it on the database which reminded me of a previous admin job of mine. We had completed all the post so we went to help with the appeal. The appeal is creating surgical gowns from t-shirts and so we helped cutting and putting on ribbons! Wasn't too bad. We also finished this and we went to lunch. We went to the canteen area which was ok. Food was still oeverpriced! Afterwards, we went down to the studio to watch the live show. I was amazed when I got into the studio, the feeling was spectacular! First time ever I was in a studio and not any studio it was BLUE PETER! I watched the presenters practice and them live doing the show. I met the presenters today also and shook hands with them. It was great fun! We also sat on the Blue Peter sofas! I really loved that feeling of the studio. Afterwards, we went back to the studio and did bits and bobs. We left not long after. I wasn't feeling great about today even though I had felt great in the studio. I don't know what it was... I just felt quite shabby!
Day 3
Wednesday 21st October 2009
Today, I decided to go in chin up and just see if this is my type of job. I also decided to wear trainers today! As there was nothing to do, Leo gave us a tour around the office and around BBC Centre. It was awesome. I met Marielou today, which was cool. After the tour, me and chloe had to clean out the cupboard and we took everthing out of folders and put them into the confidential waste bags. It was funny as we found some old stickers and deciede to take a few. After this we just went to lunch as the other two who were helping out in the studio with the children had to leave relatively early. So we went to lunch, it was ok. I had bought lunch from Stratford Station so didnt have to spend much. We then walked about and took a few pictures with some Dr Who props and just chatted for a while. It was nice. Tim then asked for a volunteer to take pictures of people in the studio for a careers thing. So I made my way down to the studio and took photos whilst the rehersals were going on. It was really fun. I met some really cool cameramen and sound people. I also took some time to speak to the dog walker who was just talked about the BP pets. Once the show was live all the kids came in and the recordings were done. It was great fun, there was a buzz in the environment and I felt relaxed. Once everything was over, as they were launching the appeal children had made a mess everywhere with their attempt on customising! So we cleared that up. We went back to the office and it was all good. There was nothing else to do so we ended up going home slightly earlier than usual. Only about 15minutes. Still, it had been a long but fun day!
Day 4
Thursday 22nd October 2009
Today was a mixed day. My illness felt it had gotten worse rather than better. This morning I wasn't feeling the best, I was tired despite my 8 hour sleep. I got in a bit earlier than usual and was in the office at 9.45am. I read through the paper and helped with the planning and development team with ideas, but was out of ideas and wasn't really in the mood. The rest of the morning we did some competition post but there wasn't a great deal. We then was in the office just watching some old BP tapes to get some ideas for the show. We split in two teams to think of ideas for the show that Ruari had given us. We had to think of ideas for Barney. I came up with dog IQ and we developed that point. We spent most of the time doing this. We then went to lunch. Afterwards, we got back to the office and continued with the ideas. There was a protest on because the BMP was going to be featured on question time. So things were quite tense around the BBC! We then went to collect our ID cards and watched a bit of the protest! It was quite tense in the BBC! We got back to the office and we had to call up some of the people who had not put their date of birth on! I was a bit nervous as I don't do phones! But I managed to do it fine. Phew. At 6pm we left via the back way and made our way home, we had to walk through Westfields and go to Shepards Bush!
Day 5
Friday 23rd October 2009
Friday today! So I was pleased it was the end of the week, I've had a mixture week. The first few days I was not used to working or anything. But the last couple of days, I have had much better days. I have learnt quite a lot since the start! Today in the morning we had a team meeting which was quite interesting. We then got on with our ideas and did the competition enteries, well the ones that were here. We then carried on with our ideas and developed them slightly and wrote them up. As I got there early I had a seat on the computers which was good! At lunch Rikki (Calvin from Hollyoaks) said hi to us! and Anton Du Beke who was on the phone winked at me as I was walking by! We also saw other stricky stars including Zoe from footballers wives. It was pretty cool. When we got back to the office, we continued with our idea write up and Becky then had some research for us to do. I had to call up publicity desk and find out some information and also do some research on rabbits. We have until Tuesday to get back to her.
Day 6
Monday 26th October 2009
The first day of week 2 and there is no live studio this week. So I am just wondering what this week will hold. Leo wasnt in today. We had the brainstorming this morning which was actually quite fun. We all brain stormed xmas ideas and developed some of the ideas. We then opened the competition post and finished it in good time. We also did a little job, dropping off some tapes to current operations. Afterwards we just did jamed until it was time to go.
Day 7
Tuesday 27th October 2009
Today was another good day! I have thoroughly enjoyed my time! I got to work 15 minutes early and so continued with the research that becky had gave us last friday. I finished it all up and sent her back the email, which was fine. Afterwards, we helped clean up the video shelves and books in alphabetical order for the morning as the post had not come yet. Kieran than gave me a task, which was to look up music concerts particularly RnB in Novemeber so I did. I managed to find some decent things. After lunch, there was a sack of post, it wasnt a full as I expected it to be, but there was quite a few in there. So we spent the afternoon just doing the competition. We had finished about 4.30pm, where we was just in time for Blue Peter. As it wasn't a live show we just watched it on the TV as it was airred. We then asked around to see whether there was any jobs to do. We was then told to help do the board in the kitchen by placing blue peter articles featured in the media up on the board. Once we finished, we went home!
Day 8
Wednesday 28th October 2009
Had a lovely day today, but felt extremely tired! As soon as I got in today, I sent the music research I did for Kerion. Leo said Chloe, Claire and I could go into the edit and watch them, so that is what we did! It was brilliant, we sat there for the whole morning. We went to a new place for lunch and I had a chicken and mushroom pie, it was yum! After lunch, we had some jobs from the team. We helped Michelle find some books and we had to go Westfields to buy it. But despite them saying it was in stock there was none!.. After we watched Blue Peter and then I went back to the edit room. There was no jobs to do so we left at 5.30pm!
Day 9
Thursday 29th October 2009
Another fun day. Today we got in and started to count the tshirts and sort out the celebrity t shirts from the kids one and select a few for the show. I then also created a t shirt of my own! It was ok, I then had to shred newspaper for the art/design team for Shelley the tortosies' hibernation! After that, I finished up at the Soft Seating Areas (SSA) with the cleaning and the tshirts. It was quite fun! I got back to the room and did the competition post. Lunch arrived... during lunch we saw Konnie Huq! Something I didn't think I would see. After lunch we continued with post and we finished by 4.00pm, so we emailed to see if there was any work to do, but no one said anything, so we sat around until 5. We then went home around 5pm.
Day 10
Friday 30th October 2009
We got in today and like usual sat in our room. We had forgotton that there is a team meeting on Friday mornings! Luckily Jonathan reminded us just before it ended. We sat in the meeting for the last 15minutes of it. We then opened the post for the competition and the correspondents team. We finished this by lunch. At lunch today, we saw the strickly stars, Len Goodman and Zoe Lucket. Brendan Cole and Anton Du Bek came by and I just asked them if I could get a picture seeing as no one else was going to do it! So I managed to get a picture with Anton while Brendan took the picture! It was cool. Afterwards, we ate and went back to the office. Ruth had some things for us to do, it was bascially to sort out the celebrity tshirts from the kids ones. That didn't take long. Michelle had some things for us to do, we had to make the quiz questions for the show, but it didnt really take all of us to do that. So Claire and I didn't do anything. We ended up just laughing about the Jewish dance and surfing the net! Then one of the ladys came in and asked who could help out with DV solutions, I volunteered seeing as I wasn't doing anything. We had to get loads of equipment! It was mad. Alice drove us there and Vikki and I walked back as the two cars was full! It wasn't fun but now I know where things are at least! When I got back, there was a post it note left by the others. lol Kerion then came and said tomorrow's shoot didnt need anyone and that it was all cool. What he had came to ask us earlier was anyone who wanted to go on a shoot, to shoot the England Cricket team at their hotel. I wasn't fussed. That was cool. I left at 5.30pm.
Day 11
Monday 2nd November 2009
Got into work and Leo is in a meeting.
Got in today normal time, despite missing the usual bus. We got in and just checked the mailbox and stuff. We then got post to open. So half opened the competition the other half opened the post from correspondents. We then finished so we did the quiz cards. Just typing it up, printing and then glue-ing it on the cards. Gavin came in and said he was going to watch the edit from earlier in the week so we went to join him. It was good! Afterwards, I did a job for Julian and went to Westfields to buy some poster paints for gunge. I got back and just finished the quiz cards. We had a production meeting at 3.45 at the SSA so I went over. They went through the proceeds of the studio days and it was cool. I volunteered to be gungeed with water for the run through.. not sure whether I did the right thing! Helen then said there was a problem with operation smile and that we had to ring up all the drop off stores and find out how many. But it was clearly a mess! they couldnt tell us and some didnt even know about it! Sophie and michelle even had a lil tiff it was funny.. saw Paul Whitehouse randomly.
Day 12
Tuesday 3rd November 2009
I got in at 9am today, well slightly earlier as I was supposed to be shadowing Jo, the studio runner today. When I got there I rang her but she said she was poorly and is taking a sick day. So she rang Michelle up and ask her to look after us today. So I went down to the studio and helped out. Julian told me to go and make some gunge! It was pretty cool.. it consisted of custard, water and green paint! Tom helped out and so did Catherine. It was cool. I cut my finger from the edge though! Afterwards, I just chilled by the side of the studio. I watched the world record man blow up the hot water bottle which was funny! So jokes! I then had to go and run something up to the edit room.. then not long after Tom told me to go downstairs to the studio to get changed into my gunge outfit. He said I had 6 minutes! So I rushed! I managed to get there in time and not long after it was my turn to stand inside the tank with a bucket full of water above me! They rehearsed and I was shocked when the water dropped and even screamed a little. It was fun. The presenters said I was brave haha.. it was all good fun. I loved it. Once I finished, they gave me towels and I dried off. I went to the presenters dressing/costume room and got changed. It was really nice. Was an amazing experience. It was lunch and I went back to the office, Claire was there and said everyone had gone to do a task. So i bought lunch back to the office to eat and work at the same time. Afterwards, the others came back and left for lunch, Claire had to go to the studio and so I was alone. Leo came to join me shortly whilst opening correspond post and I was doing competition. We chatted for a little while and the others came back shortly. We finished off the competition post and then left downstairs to watch the live show. It was brilliant. As i left the bbc studio, i saw lezo walk passed into the building. Passed jools hollands dressing room as well some others.
Day 13
Wednesday 4th November 2009
Today was JLS and Tinchy Stryder Day! We went to the studio today and JLS were late but when they did arrive Oritse said Hi! Then JLS went to perform for rehearsal. It was brilliant. We was just laughing and joking about! Was jokes! Afterwards, we had lunch and then went back up to the office to open the competition post as well as the normal post. After normal post, we had two sacks of competition post! We managed to get through half. When it was time, we went down to watch the live shows, Tinchy Stryder was in the studio! We watched the live studio and then left back to go upstairs to do the post!
Day 14
Thursday 5th Novemeber 2009
Today I have a headache!! We finished off yesterdays post and did todays ones... BORING! We finished all yesterday's post by lunch time and we all went to get some tippex from westfields after lunch! We got back and resumed. It was bare tideous but we also fun as we joked around!
Day 15
Friday 6th Novemeber 2009
Today was a good day excluding the journey home! I was running a bit late today but I managed to get to work on time. A team meeting was held this morning and it was good. Quite funny and useful. After team meeting we went to do the post but there was a job that Laura asked us to do yesterday. So Chloe and I did the job. It was to ring up the councils and ask about the Child licencing. I was not really wanting to do that at first but it was ok once I got phoned them. We then had to go to DV solutions so we all just headed over there! We got the kit back to the place and we stayed over there for lunch as there was a resturant in the building. Afterwards, we got back to the office, we continued with the post but as there was some councils that had no answer, we had to ring them back. So we rang them back whilst the other two were tippexing. An email earlier had asked someone to take Barney back to Helen's house. Chloe replied, and once we finished I asked if I could join her. We asked Alsa who wrote the email and Leo who was happy for us to go. That was cool. We took Barney onto the bus and he was well behaved! Thank Goodness. It started to get dark and started to rain.. After a bus ride and a walk, we ended at Helen's house! Her dad and her friend was there. we returned barney and got the bus back to White City! There was serve delays and heavy raining. I left at 6 and didnt get home until 8!!
Day 16
Monday 9th November 2009
I got to work 15 minutes earlier than usual even though there was a bus strike! When I got to work, I did the usual email checking and stuff. We then went to the brainstorm in the SSA which was boring. After, we went back to the room and did the little post that there was. Lunch time and off we went. We saw Arlene Philips! We got back and we did the normal post there wasn't much. We finished and so we just did some research about facts for the factbyte factory. I then had to take the new kid Josh to DV Solutions. When we got back we just ended up doing nothing. A very boring day. We left at 5.15pm!
Day 17
Tuesday 10th Novemeber 2009
I got to work at about 9.45 again today and just checked my emails. There was no post so I just did some research and hoped to find something interesting to pitch. The post arrived shortly and we just did that. We went to lunch at 12 instead of the usual 1 because Sophie had to go to a film. We saw Ravi from Crimewatch! We got back and to my suprise, Leo said that Claire and I could aslo tag along to the filming as we haven't yet experienced it! I was so happy and grateful. Unfortunately Michelle had to stay at the office seeing that she had already been out filming! We had to go to Vauxhall bridge and we walked from Waterloo! We got slightly lost! Matt came to fetch us from a little cafe by the riverside near Vauxhall bridge. They had just been filming in Lambeth Palace! Sophie got changed into her banana costume and Ian and Matt got changed into being spys. We then left to meet up with Andy and the crew opposite MI6 building. They started filming and it was pretty cool watching it! After the filming we left off home, it was about 4.15 and I managed to get home around 4.50!
Day 18
Wednesday 11th November 2009
I manged to get to work just for 10 today! Before all the post I helped Leo label the boxes 1 to 10. which was simple enough. The post didn't come until after but there was a little bit, after that we did competition post. As we had finished all the post and it was too early for lunch, we just played games! It was very funny. We then went for lunch. After lunch we helped Tom do some t shirts ready for Pixie Lot to do some. It was cool. We then had a sack of post to do! Which kept us busy. At 4.35 we all went outside to the SSA and we watched Blue Peter on the TV, it was really good! Loved it. We went back to the office and did some enteries.
Day 19
Thursday 12th November 2009
Today has been a brilliant day! Loved it. I got to work just a little before 10 and sat at a computer. Outside at the BBC they were filming for Children in Need and doing Fame. We just completed the competition post from yesterday. It was ok. Then Sophie and Michelle went to sit in an edit so we contiuned the post. It was really fun, we just chatted away and joked. Chloe mentioned the laying down game. At lunch they was still filming fame and we decided to have a peak. We also decided to play the laying down game and we just went crazy with it. It was brilliant and so funny! We went to watch it, and we saw Christine from the One show, Jessica Bell and Rav from Crimewatch! We made our way to the Blue Peter Garden and Sophie did the laying down! It was jokes. We got back to the office. I did the normal post and also then moved on to tippex but there was none left. I went to Westfields to buy some tippex and when I got back to to the office I started Tippexing. We then finished the job so we had to check all the enteries which was boring but had to be done I suppose. Afterwards, Leo told us about the review and stuff it was quite sad actually, we was leaving. Off we went to have a meal together at Meat and Wine which was fun and yum! Loved it.
Day 20
Friday 13th November 2009
The end has come. It has been one of the best times ever. We started with a team meeting and Joe was in for Tim as he wasn't in. He went on about some stuff and we got our badge packs that did not contain a badge. sad times. After that we went through the competition post and checked it through. We then went with Marielou down and picked up the envelopes etc and brought it back upstiars. We then went to lunch. We got back up to the office and then went to DV solutions to pick up a few things. Sophie and Claire went to buy some foods. Afterwards, we helped Marielou do some correspondents. It was fun. I went home with marielou and had a good catch up.
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