Friday, 10 June 2011

Wisdom Teeth Extraction

Wisdom Tooth
I arrived promptly for my wisdom teeth extractions at the Nightingale clinic. I wasn’t feeling at all nervous but I was just apprehensive of the effects after the extractions. After a short wait, I was called in. He explained what he was going to do, and pointed at my x-ray whilst doing so. My bottom left wisdom tooth was growing at a 30 degree angle from the gum and it looked worse than what I see in the mirror. I wasn’t panicking but again, just felt that the pain may last longer than the weekend ahead. He told me the tooth was close to the nerve and I could see it was almost, if not touching according to the x-ray. He said, 1/10 it will feel numb for 9months and for 1% of the population it is permanent. Despite reading about this yesterday, with the dentist pointing it out again was a little nerve racking for a second. Then I thought, as if I am that lucky. So I didn’t think any more of it. He then asked if I had any questions, so I asked about speaking wise, he said it would depend and asked whether I was a teacher. I said, no but I had an interview next week. He said it should be ok. So I was slightly more reassured. He said because my tooth was growing at that angle, he will need to drill the middle and pull it from there. He made it sound like a complicated issue. I wasn’t too scared and just thought, let’s get on. I had to rinse my mouth for 60 seconds using this mouthwash thing to aid healing process. I thoroughly rinsed. Afterwards, he lowered my chair and got ready to pierce some injections in my mouth. I didn’t quite know what was happening but I could feel a needle going through my mouth, I wasn’t sure if he was already taking out the teeth! But I soon came to realise that it was just the local anaesthetic. I didn’t realise there was more than one needle. The needle that was to the roof of my mouth was the most painful one. I immediately feel quite tense and water rushed up to my eyes. It was a really sharp pain that wasn’t pleasant. Anyway, he after about 4 needles, he said if I still felt pain he would top it up. I “hmm mmh’ed” but in my head I was thinking, I rather have that pain then the needle pain! Anyway, he started with the bottom tooth, and after a look at it, he said there was no need to drill the middle but just a small drilling and sawing something off. I couldn’t hear him properly but he made it sound like it was less complicated then he thought. This was a relief. So anyways, he drilled and I could see saliva particles sprinkling above and tooth extracts (I think). It was alright, until he stuffed his whole hand in my mouth and started doing something. It was really weird, the fact you know something’s happening yet you can’t feel it at all. His wrist started to press against my glasses and I was thinking, oh dear, don’t break my glasses. Lol after drilling a hole in the tooth, he placed, what seemed like a screwdriver into my mouth and started applying some pressure and my heart started to race mainly because I was thinking, if his hand slips it will hit on my tongue and my mouth. I immediately started to think, I must stay super still! It was quite scary, he then tugged and pulled and off it came. He then started to do the top one, and this tooth didn’t seem to want to come out. The first attempt he I could feel a pulling but without the pain, and it didn’t come out. Then he tried again. During the pulling, it was rather scary because of that feeling of knowing it’s supposed to hurt but you can’t feel anything. It was really bizarre. So, after a really hard pull, it finally came out! I was glad that it finished. The dentist told me it went well and that I should be good for my interview next week. He then told me to bite onto the cotton wool for half an hour so a blood clot will form. He explained some post operative instructions and gave me an additional sheet. It wasn’t too bad. I now just hope there will be no complications after this experience. I got on the bus with a blob in my mouth and was quite conscious I wasn’t drooling as my mouth was still numb. It has been an hour now, so I shall go spit out this cotton wool and look in the mirror to see what’s happening! 

The next day, thankfully my teeth didn't hurt at all! It was a little tender but other than that, it went better than I expected.

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