Thursday, 28 July 2011

David Beckham

This morning I woke up with a great feeling. I had dreamt that I met David Beckham. We were all sitting around a table and ready to play some games and first we had to name our teams. I was on the opposite team to him and sat opposite him. He called his team Tangs... Something I can't remember what but it was another word that combined with the word tang. I called my team Lil Becks.. Something can't remember the end. Anyways then there weren’t enough people so I decided to be the ref and lead the games. I stood up and started the first game. But then Victoria Beckham said they needed to go do signing so had to leave. I couldn't believe it and they had left without me knowing. I was pretty disappointed I did even get an autograph or a goodbye. Then I found that David Beckham had printed me a note before he left it said 'dear Lai ... You'd would have killed me if I didn’t say bye'' I can’t remember the rest. I was so happy that he knew my name! 

I woke up and fell asleep again.

I had dreamt of David Beckham again!! this time we was having dinner and I said To him that I really wanted him to sign my first edition of his first autobiography but he said that I didn't have time to go get it. He then pulled out from underneath the table a book that had Harper Seven on the heading and pictures of him playing football. I was so happy and accepted it proudly.

One day, I would like to meet you in person. 

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