Friday, 6 July 2012

Hitch (2005)

Director: Andy Tennant
Written By: Kevin Bisch
Main Cast: Will Smith, Eva Mendes, Kevin James
Duration: 118mins
Rating: 12
Genre: Action
Production: Columbia Pictures Cooperation

Will Smith plays the 'date doctor' who helps the decent guys get the girls. Along the way, he meets a girl who has a very pessimistic view of men, they end up liking each other but there are some drama before any type of happy ending. It is one of the most heart felt films I've seen and it made me 'awww' throughout the movie. It is not your typical chick flick as you get to see it from a guys point of view. It is a great feel good movie and one that would make you laugh! It is well put together and even has some cheesy lines! I liked this movie and is definitely one I could watch again! Awesome!

Overall, I’d give it a 9/10 and a recommend watch!
      ★  ★ ☆ 

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