Wednesday, 1 January 2014

2014 Resolutions

Year 2013 has been one of those years that I have thoroughly loved. It was a year I fell in love, had fun, was promoted at work, went on holidays, took risks, embraced new experiences (finally went to a wedding!), grew as a person, laughed so much and just had a lot of reasons to smile.
Every year I like to push myself further and excel in what I do, always pushing myself to the best that I can be. Making positive changes and trying out new things. I am so lucky to have the bestest friends, family and boyfriend and to always be surrounded by love.
2014, I'm keeping it simple yet still enjoying life to the fullest... This years resolution is based on the simple things in life.
"Where there is love, there is life" - Mahatma Gandhi.
2014, 14 resolutions.
1. Read a book
2. Run 5k
3. Watch all of the star wars films
4. Paint another trainer and sell it & fix website
5. Save at least 5k
6. Drive at least 3 difference places
7. Celebrate 2 years with boyfriend
8. Travel to at least 15 more tube stations
9. Learn something new
10. Do something new (activity or experience)
11. Apply for counseling psychology
12. Achieve an old goal or resolution that wasn’t completed
13. Make a significant difference in a customers' life
14. No MC Donald’s
[  ] In Progress [  ] Not Started [  ] Completed [  ] Incomplete

1. Read a book
2. Run 5k [JUL]
3. Watch all of the star wars films
4. Paint another trainer and sell it & fix website
5. Save at least 5k [DEC]
6. Drive at least 3 difference places. [DEC]
7. Celebrate 2 years with boyfriend [DEC]
8. Travel to at least 15 more tube stations [DEC]
9. Learn something new [OCT]
10. Do something new (activity or experience) [JUL]
11. Apply for counselling psychology [MAR]
12. Achieve an old goal or resolution that wasn’t completed Get a total of 5k channel views on YouTube" [OCT]
13. Make a significant difference in a customers' life [JUL]
14. No MC Donald’s [DEC]

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