Tuesday, 13 March 2018

Gym: March 2018

I decided to join the gym as there was an offer not to be missed! Pure gym was offering one months free membership and no joining fee, with my fitness struggling and the weather being poor, my weekly running was suffering so I decided to take up this offer. I wasn't sure whether I would make the most of it and it did take some mental barriers to overcome - specifically gym anxiety where you think everyone is looking at you and feel quite anxious using certain machines and/or equipment however, once you just focus on your own workout, you soon will realise that the feeling of the progress you make on your own routine and workout is why you go to the gym - well for me anyway. I began to feel less anxious and feel more confident and focused on my own routine, and I am sure no one really cares what you're doing. It does take a little bit fo working through but once you get over it, it is such a good feeling. 

MARCH 2018

13.03.18 (Pure Gym, Canary Wharf)
Run 2.22 Miles in 25.15mins
Run 3.1Miles in 43.45Mins at 7 speed (Total 3.34Miles including cool down)

16.03.18 (Pure Gym, Canary Wharf)
Overhead press (15kg) 5/5/5/4/2/5Squats (15kg) 5/5/5
Calf press (52kg) 5/5/5/5/5
Run 4Miles in 45mins at 9.5Speed (after 15mins lowered to 8.5speed; total 4.32miles with cool down 50mins)

19.03.18 (Pure Gym, Canary Wharf)
Run 5.88 Miles in 60mins at 9.5speed (6.17miles inc. cool down)

20.03.18 (Pure Gym, Canary Wharf)
Overhead press (15kg) 5/5/5/5/3Squats (15kg) 5/5/5
Row 4x 20sec, 40sec rest (29 s/m; 2.23/500'; 344m)
Calf press (52kg) 5/5/5/5/5
Calf press (59kg) 5/5/5/5/5
Run rolling hills level 10 speed 10 in 5 mins - NOPE Lowered speed 0.34miles (inc. cool down total 0.41miles)

22.03.18 (Pure Gym, Canary Wharf)
Overhead press (15kg) 5/5/5/4/4Squats (15kg) 5/5/5/5/5
Dips (14kg) 5/8
Pull ups (23kg) 10
Calf press (59kg) 5/5/5/5/5
Run 2incline with 9speed until 0.75 miles slow back to 4.5speed
At 1 mile 15mins with 5 speed slowed to 3.5 speed and walked the rest to 1.35 miles (inc cool down 1.47miles)

26.03.18 (Pure Gym, Canary Wharf)
Overhead press (15kg) 5/5/5/5/4Squats (15kg) 5/5/5/5/5
Run 2inc 7.5 speed but cut short due to B.O. man total 1 mile in 12.37mins
Cycle interval level 2 30 mins 6.65miles (plus cool down total 7miles)

28.03.18 (Pure Gym, Canary Wharf)
Overhead press (15kg) 5/5/5/5/5Squats (15kg) 5/5/5/5/5
Dips (14kg) 10
Pull ups (23kg) 10
Calf press (59kg) 5/5/5/5/5
Converging shoulder press (9kg) 5/5/5/5/4
Run 2inc with 8 speed for 30 mins 
At 20 mins slowed to 4.5walk
At 24 mins fast at 10speed
At 25.30mins 3.5 speed and walked to 30mins (total of 2.17miles) 

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